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Discover YMI, our state-of-the-art system designed to assist psychiatric professionals. Utilizing supervised machine-learning and a proprietary biometric database, YMI provides objective correlations and probabilities for common mental health conditions, aiding in diagnosis and treatment planning. With an extensive biometric questionnaire that is calibrated by DNA expressions and EEG data, YMI offers deeply informed insights into individual mental well-being, enhancing diagnostic precision and personalized care.


Explore the frontier of personalized medicine with Pharmacogenomic (PGx) testing. By delving into an individual’s genetic makeup, PGx testing uncovers unique biomarkers that influence their response to psychotropic medications, tailoring treatment plans for maximum efficacy and minimum adverse effects.
Addressing the growing concern of adverse drug reactions, PGx testing offers a proactive approach to healthcare, optimizing therapeutic outcomes and promoting patient safety.


Embark on a journey of transformative mental health care with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). As a pioneering non-invasive therapy, TMS precisely targets specific brain regions using magnetic fields, offering a medication-free alternative for conditions like depression, OCD, and other mental health conditions.
By reshaping clinical practices and mitigating medication side effects, TMS represents a breakthrough in mental health treatment, recognized universally by payers and reimbursed as a viable option. Discover how TMS revolutionizes mental wellness by elevating patient well-being and treatment strategies, paving the way for enduring positive outcomes.

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